The blog of Hannah Robinson, artist, illustrator and graphic designer.

Thursday, 15 September 2011

Whirlwind week...

There has been more rushing around this week than is healthy for one person. The date of the play is drawing near and I am currently designing the programme. I leave you with a picture of a delicious burger to feast your eyes on, and the promise of another exciting interview next Monday, though I'm sure I'll get the time to blog before then.
I wonder if this would make a good painting?


  1. lovely post! I found you on the Etsy Blogging Buddies Team. I'm a colored pencil artist, check out my blog:
    I have a pen friend (almost 50 years!) who lives near Nottingham, btw. Thanks, Susie

  2. So, what's the play? Where is it? As well as doing the programme, what else are you doing in it? Used to do amateur dramatics in my YOUUF. Enjoyed it immensely Or is your stuff strictly professional?
