Could I be more late in submitting this week's response to Illustration Friday? Despite the rush I was anxious to enter this one, especially as I am still sticking to my project rules mentioned two posts ago. So, in adherence with my "scissors, paper and pencil only" rule, here is my submission. She's been waiting all night shrouded in that hood, watching, waiting... for what, we do not know. Created using a scalpel (come on, it's a blade!) and a piece of scrap paper.
Don't forget, you can contribute and join in! I want to find the time to upload more of my creations, and really push the limits of the materials I can use.
And, (drum roll please) guess what else? I won a competition on 99designs! It was a T shirt design contest, one of my favourite categories. Generally you are allowed more creative freedom than in some of the other categories, so I hang around there a lot. My entry was selected by the lovely people at Caspio to go on their staff T shirts. The essence of the brief was that they wanted a shirt that their employees would want to wear in and out of the workplace. I'm hugging myself with delight right now! What a feeling! If you have some digital design skills and want to have a go yourself, check out the website.
She reminds me of a B/W illustrated cartoon I've seen a while back. I think it might've been french. Love it eitherway :)