But I have by no means been idle. I'm enjoying this unexpected early summer the UK has been blessed with, as well as attending some job interviews, which needless to say is exciting and galvanising. I have also become much more involved with Haze Productions, they are a ragtag theatre company I did some voluntary design work for. I also ended up getting roped into the production, playing the murderous scullery maid, of all things. Anyway, we were all stunned and pleased when we raised over £2000 for the CF trust. So now we're decided to take things a bit more seriously and become a proper company. Exciting times. I'm designing their new poster for the next production. This is the 3rd or 4th poster I've done and I love doing them. I drew inspiration from the Carry On film posters, as this play is a farce with plenty of bottom pinching, nudge nudge wink wink etc. Hopefully I can get back into the Illustration Friday briefs again soon now my life is slightly more settled.
This is the unfinished poster.
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